Tree cabling is a widely-used technique that is meant to save vulnerable trees from dying off. Some trees are simply weaker, develop at angles unconducive to growth, or split at the trunk and cause issues in stability. If your tree is having balancing issues but is otherwise healthy, it would be a shame to remove it completely if there’s a chance that it can be partially or entirely saved. Rather than giving up on your leaning tower of trees and calling in the wood chipper, call our experts at Treemendous Tree Care today, and find out what your options are. You may just find that, with a little TLC, your trees can be good as new and standing straight in no time.

Is Tree Cabling the Best Option for You?

When you’ve got trees falling over or bending precariously, it’s probably obvious that something has to be done, or else those trees could come toppling or snapping down one day. Depending on the age and health of your trees, any number of things could be contributing to their bowed state, and until you know what’s causing your trees to wilt and lean, it’s best to wait for a professional to take a look.

Whatever signs of wear your trees are showing, whether it be damage caused by harsh Minnesota storms, cracking and splitting limbs and trunks, or even just weak trees that seem to be falling more and more each day, knowing the cause of the problems you see is key. While the majority of trees we see are prime candidates for tree cabling, there are trees that are simply too far gone to be saved or affected by something that cabling can’t fix.

When you call Treemendous Tree Care, we’ll take a look at your trees individually to be sure that whatever is affecting your trees is something that can be fixed with cabling before we begin working. We’ll begin with an inspection and walk you through the treatment options, giving you the information you need to decide whether cabling is right for your trees. We’ll never recommend cabling for trees that are too unstable to handle the strain of cabling, and we’ll make sure that any trees we do cable will be able to grow straighter and sturdier because of our services.

Trust in Treemendous Tree Care’s Tree Cabling Techniques

At Treemendous Tree Care, we take the health of trees very seriously, knowing that trees can be a part of your home’s history, play a large factor in your home’s value, and add or detract from the aesthetic appeal from your entire home. Before making any decisions or treating your trees in any way, we’ll inspect each of your affected trees to find out what’s causing their damage, whether they can be treated, and what the best treatment options are.

When your trees need cabling, even if you can see that it needs to be done without a tree care professional inspecting your trees, it’s always better to call in the experts. Unfortunately, even professionals can do poor work when cabling trees if they’re not properly trained or don’t understand the complications that can arise from tree cabling. At Treemendous Tree Care, our licensed Minneapolis, Minnesota arborists know what they’re doing, and you can be sure that the risks of cabling your trees decrease substantially when we’re on the job. While cabling can be done improperly, potentially strangling your tree and depriving it of nutrients, our tree care experts know where and how to position cables to make sure that your trees get stronger, not weaker.

While some tree service companies might make promises they can’t keep, cabling unhealthy trees that they know will fail, at Treemendous Tree Care, we believe in honest work and treating each customer fairly. That’s why we’ll make every issue we find with your tree completely transparent, giving you all of your options and letting you decide what’s best for your trees, your home, and your budget. Count on our team to leave your trees better off than when we arrived, and rest assured you’ll be getting the best service possible from our licensed arborists and Minnesota tree care specialists.

Contact our tree care experts at Treemendous Tree Care, and see our professional and experienced team at work. Call us at 763-772-4736, and let us help your falling trees grow straight and strong again.